Thursday 28 June 2012

carpe diem

Sometimes I wonder if we spend too much time getting caught up in school. Spending countless hours studying, finishing homework, writing essays.

I know we're supposed to be doing this so we can have a steady future, but time flies so fast. Take a look at all those famous musicians, actors, lobbyists, when they were at my age they'd already accomplished so much.

And I'm just sitting here in my floral PJs with maths work sprawled around me.

Dan Ryan

Today, some kids from Yr 10 and 11 and I got to meet Dan Ryan who's the UN Youth Leader for Australia and we had a mini conference in the library.

It was quite fun and posed a lot of thought provoking questions in order to find solutions to the problems faced by the youth in Australia.

We started off with a survey (we used little remotes to put in our answers ahaha) and then he showed us his website and talked about how you could submit solutions from it (and pointed out his brother who looks like Harry Styles haha). Then we filled out this sheet about a particular problem and how it could be solved. Afterwards we had a group discussion on mental illness (because we rated it the biggest problem) and how we could improve the social stigma of going the counsellor and depression.

He's going to represent Australia in the United Nations General Assembly in September and you guys should go to his website and put in your ideas and solutions!

Wednesday 27 June 2012

the future

I want to live in a house like this

but I want the water to flow down to a lake that you can swim in and for there to be a little open area where you can have picnics and a tire swing which you can jump off and into the water.

I also want one of these

And a ball pit hehe

Yeah I should probably start saving now LOL

Tuesday 26 June 2012

omgod this gif

I admit

I go on Sims Social on Facebook to accept requests for random people I have on Facebook because I'm that sad  nice.

Like Ms Yang who I have on Facebook...


You know how I said I was going to keep my blogspot relatively private? Well fuck that. It feels like I'm just talking to myself.

holy crap look at this dog

 he's so cute I could watch him all day

Sunday 24 June 2012

meet sergio

Well you can't exactly meet him, but he's my new computer LOL. I got him a few days ago but I haven't gotten the time to set him up until today.

There's so many fun games, and since it's also touch screen it makes it 100x more fun to play the games, ehoheho


Saturday 23 June 2012


I went to Coles today and it's recently been renovated and I haven't visited the new one yet and omg it's so awesome there. Like they have trolleys... FOR KIDS. Like OMG I saw this kid with his mum using it and omggg it was the cutest thing ever. It's really small and has this pole with a flag with Coles written on it so the parent can see where their child is. And they also have this cow near the milk section and you can press the button and then it moo's. Fuck I just stood there looking like a retard pressing it and giggling. Sorreh kiddos but the cow's faces were funnai.

And they also put their veges on ice now so getting food is like graaabbBBBRRRRR.

Yeah, so that's coles.

Friday 22 June 2012

I really want journal-type books like these except I'm not very artistic/scrapbooky and I'm never dedicated enough to make one.

feed my fish!

Go and feed my fish that are at the bottom of my page.

I have 10 and I'm naming them (even thought I can't tell them apart since I made them all the same colour and I like it that way):
- Marco
- Polo
- Ebony
- Flora
- Eloise
- Samuel
- Annette
- Bernard
- Claude
- Jasper


Oh my god this dog is the cutest thing to have ever walked the Earth

"To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world."

by Brandi Snyder


Yesterday I finally got accepted into an advertising place for work experience! Yaaay! Seeing as I sent applications to 18 places in ONE night. And I'm super excited about going, and I've spent so much time on their website. The place is called Contagious Agency and their website is here. Wooopdedoopbaday


Erm, so this is my blog. I hope I don't regret this in a few years time and I still remember my gmail's password when I want to delete this in utter embarrassment since I absolutely regret ever making my blogspot in Year 7. Ugh. Anyway, I don't know how the hell I use blogspot so I'm probably going to waste tonight working it all out. I just spent a few minutes trying to work out how to put in a title... fuck I'm stupid haha. And sorry to say but tumblr is much better when it comes to templates... I just spent the past 20 mins working out which ugly template I wanted to use, hahaha.

I doubt anyone's going to read this, and I won't announce that I have a blog to the world because this will leave me banging my head against the table in Year 12 ahaha.

And my life is so uneventful I probably won't have anything to post.

So enjoy.