Thursday 28 June 2012

Dan Ryan

Today, some kids from Yr 10 and 11 and I got to meet Dan Ryan who's the UN Youth Leader for Australia and we had a mini conference in the library.

It was quite fun and posed a lot of thought provoking questions in order to find solutions to the problems faced by the youth in Australia.

We started off with a survey (we used little remotes to put in our answers ahaha) and then he showed us his website and talked about how you could submit solutions from it (and pointed out his brother who looks like Harry Styles haha). Then we filled out this sheet about a particular problem and how it could be solved. Afterwards we had a group discussion on mental illness (because we rated it the biggest problem) and how we could improve the social stigma of going the counsellor and depression.

He's going to represent Australia in the United Nations General Assembly in September and you guys should go to his website and put in your ideas and solutions!

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