Saturday 23 June 2012


I went to Coles today and it's recently been renovated and I haven't visited the new one yet and omg it's so awesome there. Like they have trolleys... FOR KIDS. Like OMG I saw this kid with his mum using it and omggg it was the cutest thing ever. It's really small and has this pole with a flag with Coles written on it so the parent can see where their child is. And they also have this cow near the milk section and you can press the button and then it moo's. Fuck I just stood there looking like a retard pressing it and giggling. Sorreh kiddos but the cow's faces were funnai.

And they also put their veges on ice now so getting food is like graaabbBBBRRRRR.

Yeah, so that's coles.

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